Una considerazione mi nasce spontanea ed è tutta sulla velocità delle nostre scale mobili, le più lente di tutta l’Europa da me girata.
A Londra sei obbligato ad indossare le cinture di sicurezza ed a tenere il corrimano a dx …è l’unica via di comunicazione che nella terra di Albione non va contromano .
Le nostrane scale mobili invece ti ci puoi portare anche i panni da stirare, eppure nella mia adolescenza ricordo un tentativo di accelerazione delle rampe della metro di Montesanto. Fallì miseramente, in men che non si dica dovettero tirare nuovamente il freno.
Ed ora nel catino da arredo bagno di Piazza Garibaldi, sempre pronto a smaltire le acque piovane nella rete ferroviaria sottostante, sono spuntate le maruzze e Willy il coyote ringrazia.
2015©AèQ con fuji ixsventi
2016©AèQ nikon d7100
lemme …lemme, maruzzelle.
(lemme: slowly; maruzzelle: small snails)
Naples, the new metro station of hills, the line 1, and art installation that characterizes it.
This is the Group’s art installation Cracking art Group founded by six artists: Renzo Nucara, Marco Veronese, Carlo Rahaman, Alex Angi, Frank and William Sweetlove. Six international artists, which by Cracking Art movement in 1993 with the Epochal exhibition in Milan curated by Tommaso Trini and Luca Beatrice, underlines the intention of the group to change the history of Art through a strong social and environmental commitment coupled with a revolutionary, innovative use of plastic materials that evoke a close relationship between the natural and the artificial.
“A consideration I arises and it’s all about the speed of our escalators, the slowest in Europe from me turned.
In London you are required to wear seat belts and holding the handrail to dx … is the only road that in the land of Albion does not go the wrong way.
The homegrown escalators instead you can also bring the clothes to be ironed, yet in my teens I remember an attempt to speed-up ramps of metro Montesanto. Failed miserably, in less time than it takes to say they had to pull the brake.
And now into the basin from bathroom furniture to Piazza Garibaldi, always ready to dispose of rainwater in underlying railway network, have sprung up the maruzze and Willy the coyote says thank you 😉 .